Project Philip

Project Philip is another alternative method of doing the evangelistic ministry. The Bible League is prepared to support local churches and Christian organizations, which have a burden in responding to the great command of Jesus Christ.

Our Goal: Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people in Thailand through the Scripture placement of Project Philip.

Project Philip is a cooperation in proclaiming the Gospel with local churches. The name is taken from Acts 8:30, 31 a, which is the conversation between Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. Philip asked him “Do you understand what you are reading?” And the eunuch responded “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?”

Project Philip’s Policy: It supports and encourages local churches to continue to systematically proclaim the Gospel.

Objectives: The Bible League Thailand (TBLT) provides training to ordinary Christians or church members so that they will be able to learn how to use Bible Study booklets in the process of personal witnessing. Moreover, the church members can teach other church members to effectively witness Jesus Christ to other non-believers.

The Most Important Goal: Providing opportunities to non-believers to study God’s Word hoping that they will eventually know God and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

How can Project Philip help your Church grow?
1. Project Philip can be adjusted to suit your own context. It helps gathering power of your church to do the work of evangelism.
2. It is a people-centered project. Thus, there are different kinds of Bible study booklets that may be suitable with different age groups. Moreover, methods of use of the booklets are not complicated. Your church members can use them in accordance with their gifts and abilities.
3. It is a Scripture-study centered project. Because it uses the Bible as the most important tool in evangelism.  Therefore, evangelism is to help non-believers to read the Word of God.
4. It requires low investment compared with other methods of evangelism, since it needs fewer workers but more efficient.